*International Loudness Standards*
Sculptural Mastering
Mastering refers to the act of enhancing the tonal balance, dyanamics and final loudness of a final (post-mixed) stereo track.
However, don’t take it for granted. Many think on mastering as solely the process of equalizing and letting your CD loud as hell, and many are persuaded to believe that running your audio on a chain of expensive analog gear will be magical and turn your song to a success. Well… it’s a bit more than that.
There is no magic in mastering. The result is up to the source AND the engineer. Mastering can turn a bad sound into a regular one, a regular into a good, a good into a great sound. It is a complex process that depends more on the ears, perception and knowledge of the engineer than on the gear used – although good tools can sure be better exploited by a good engineer.
Here at HEAVYTRON we don’t fight against time. We understand your music genre, we listen to your music carefully, deeply analyze each track, detecting what is faulty, what is missing, and what is overdone. Only then we apply what we believe is needed, like sculpting the sound. The process can involve equalization, compression, but also clipping repair, noise reduction, ambiance correction, frequency-dependent harmonic excitement and stereo field enhancement, final loudness and, when needed, dithering.
And talking about loudness, our current process for finalization is meticulous… As lovers of old-school music, we appreciate dynamics and we want you to have the best sound possible, so we are trying to fight against the “Loudness War” on our own way. We deliver a minimum of two distinct masters of your songs. One considered very loud for the physical CDs (still the standard adopted by the bigger record companies), and a version with less volume but more dynamics, to be used by digital distribution services – taking advantage by the latest standards adopted by giants like Youtube and Spotify. We even created our own badges (images) you can use in your site or album inlay if you want, to show the world how much you (and us) care about your music!
Here at HEAVYTRON we are driven by quality, caring about dynamic range and the international standards, and we can deliver any other final standards you want us to.